Shito Ryu Karate Do Kyoju Yoko
The Essential Curriculum of Shito Ryu Karate
Practice Worksheet used by the Albany Dojo
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Tachi Kata (Stances)
1. |
Heisoku Dachi |
Feet together, close-toed stance |
2. |
Musubi Dachi |
Feet together, open-toed stance |
3. |
Namiheiko Dachi |
Parallel stance (feet shoulder width, toes straight) |
4. |
Uchihachiji Dachi |
Inner figure eight stance (shoulder wide, toes inward) |
5. |
Sotohachiji Dachi |
Outer figure eight stance (shoulder wide, toes outward) |
6. |
Shiko Dachi |
Sumo (side facing, square) stance |
7. |
Heiko Dachi |
Forward parallel stance (feet natural walking distance) |
8. |
Zenkutsu Dachi |
Forward (bent leg) stance |
9. |
Kokutsu Dachi |
Back (bent leg) stance |
10. |
Kosa Dachi |
Crossed leg stance |
11. |
Nekoashi Dachi |
Cat foot stance |
12. |
Renoji Dachi |
Katakana character ‘Re’ stance (feet in a tilted ‘V’ position) |
Tsuki kata (Thrusts)
1. |
Seiken Zuki |
Standard forefist thrust (first two knuckles) |
2. |
Tateken Zuki |
Vertical forefist thrust |
3. |
Uraken Zuki |
Inverted (fist turned 180 degrees) forefist thrust |
4. |
Hiraken Zuki |
Four knuckle thrust (leopard punch) |
5. |
Furi Zuki |
Round house thrust |
6. |
Age Zuki |
Rising thrust (upper cut) |
7. |
Ipponken |
One knuckle (one point) thrust |
8. |
Nukite |
Spear hand |
9. |
Wa Zuki |
Two arm, horizontal circle thrust |
10. |
Morote Zuki |
Two arm, two level thrust (top hand jodan seiken, bottom hand chudan uraken) |
Uchi Kata (Strikes)
1. |
Shuto Uchi |
Sword hand (knife edge) strike |
2. |
Urashuto |
Inverted sword hand (ridge hand) |
3. |
Kentsui Uchi |
Bottom fist strike (hammerfist) |
4. |
Uraken Uchi |
Back knuckle strike |
5. |
Shuho |
‘Mountain hand’ (back knuckles of a peaked hand) |
6. |
Hijiate |
Elbow smash |
Keri Kata (Kicks)
1. |
Hiza Geri |
Knee kick |
2. |
Hizagaeshi |
Knee sweeping across kick |
3. |
Sokko Geri |
Instep kick |
4. |
Chudan Geri |
Ball of foot forward, middle area kick |
5. |
Jodan Geri |
Ball of foot forward, upper area kick |
6. |
Mawashi Geri |
Roundhouse, instep |
7. |
Fumioroshi |
Toe stomping kick |
8. |
Sokuto Geri |
Side, knife edge, lower area (knee level) kick |
9. |
Yoko Geri |
Side, knife edge, middle area kick |
10. |
Koshu Geri |
Heel back rising kick |
Uke Kata (Jodan) (Blocks - Upper level)
1. |
Age Uke |
Rising block |
2. |
Uchi Uke |
Forearm inward block |
3. |
Yoko Barai |
Forearm outward side parry |
4. |
Uchi Otoshi |
Inside "big drop" forearm block |
5. |
Tsuki Uke |
Thrust block |
6. |
Wa Uke |
Two arm circle (roof) block |
7. |
Kosa Uke |
Crossed arms block a) closed hands, palms toward front b) open hands, palms toward sides |
8. |
Kara Uke |
Side stepping usually with Kokutsu dachi - a “slipping” block |
9. |
Kote Uke |
Back of hand block |
10. |
Sashite |
Inward sweeping palm block |
11. |
Ko Uke |
Wrist block |
12. |
Kuri Uke |
Inside out, circle block with knife-edge of hand |
Uke Kata (Chudan) (Blocks - Middle level)
1. |
Yoko Uke |
Forearm outward side block |
2. |
Uchi Uke |
Forearm inward block |
3. |
Harai Uke |
Middle area downward parry |
4. |
Ninoude Uke |
Back of forearm (hirakote) inward block |
5. |
O-ura Uke |
Large circle inverted forearm block |
6. |
Shuto Uke |
Sword hand block |
7. |
Kakete |
Hooking hand block |
8. |
Wa Uke |
Two arm circular block |
9. |
Kosa Uke |
Crossed arms block (palms downward) |
10. |
Kote Uke |
Back of hand block |
11. |
Uke Nagashi |
Inward palm sweeping block |
12. |
Yoko Barai |
Forearm outward side parry |
13. |
Tsukidome |
Withdrawing forearm block (after thrust) |
14. |
Kakiwake |
Wedge block |
15. |
Hijisasae Uke |
Two hand outward block, closed fist at elbow |
16. |
Kensasae Uke |
Two hand outward block, open hand supports at fist |
17. |
Gassho Uke |
Praying hands block |
18. |
Hirayuki |
Two hand knife-edge out block |
19. |
Sukui Uke |
Scooping block |
20. |
Hiji Uke |
Elbow block |
21. |
Ko Uke |
Wrist block |
22. |
Shotei Uke |
Palm heel block |
23. |
Ura Uke (Shotei Oshi) |
Inverted block (small circle with wrist) (Two hand shotei) |
Uke Kata (Gedan) (Blocks - Lower level)
1. |
Hizagaeshi |
Knee sweeping across block |
2. |
Harai Uke Gedan Barai |
Downward parry (when in Zenkutsu or Kokutsu dachi) |
3. |
Katate Sukui Uke |
One hand scooping block |
4. |
Wa Uke |
Two arm circular block |
5. |
Kosa Uke |
Crossed arms block (palms down) |
6. |
Shuto Barai |
Sword hand parry |
7. |
Ryote Sukui Uke |
Two hand scooping block |
8. |
Furisute |
Scoop and deflect block |
9. |
Sukuidome |
Scoop and catch and throw block |
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